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What is a "Commission (art), the purchase or the creation of a piece of art most often on behalf of another." Wikipedia

Commissions of artwork are most often ordered from existing photographs as this allows for the selection of international artists to perform the work. I have given three examples here of artwork that has been commissioned and I've added a video to show the process of creation as well.

Please note that all  commissions must be accompanied by written permission from the original photographer to allow reference.

Eastern Meadowlark Commission Art Susan
Crayfish Commission Art Susan Willemse.j
Longear Sunfish Commission Art Susan Wil

More About Garold W. Sneegas

Garold is a underwater Prize winning photographer based in Overbrook, Kansas, he has experience in the Rio Negro River in the Amazon and Australian Great Barrier Reef and has a interest in bird photography as well.


He is the creator of our Blue-eyed pleco, Panaque cochliodon sculpture, something he airbrushed as well, thus it was only a matter of time that our interests would meet for he had observed these fish in nature and we had owned one of these characters in our aquarium room in Africa. The character I remember had a particular liking for Steve and would sulk when he had to go away for business.


It has been a absolute pleasure to have been able to work with Garold and his artwork has inspired a entire new aquarium room here in Australia with hundreds of baby Bristlenose's (another type of pleco) over the last year.

The artwork Crayfish inspired by Garold's photography was especially super to paint- you see Garold's freshwater crayfish or Yabbie (in Australia) or crawdads aka mudbugs (in the USA) had gone "walkabout" in his house in the USA and ours had gone "walkabout" here in Australia. They great escape artists! The Eastern Meadowlark a North American bird native to the Great Plains and the Longear Sunfish I have not had the privilege of seeing yet myself. The Great Plains is a area that stretches from Mexico to Canada and I could just see Garold walking through the prairie to capture this this little one singing his soul out. Knowing how much time, muscles and equipment it takes to photograph these feathers and fins I appreciate Garold letting me reference his photographs for these artworks. 


Garold's first website is presently being upgraded and you can Link to his new website from my Links page or the button below to see these and other amazing photographs, but this is his scientific URL as well

"Everything is connected" in this beautiful world of ours! 

Thank you for your permission to share this Garold, I wish you both well in all that you do in photography and art in the future as well. 

You can contact Garold at

Please Note: All images on this page are © Garold W. Sneegas and © S. Willemse and may not be used or referenced without written permission from the author.

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